synoptic project: Proditiophobia/Toad Out of The Hole

Toad Out of The Hole

Sadly, my project Proditiophobia was cast aside for more favourable projects, no matter. My ideas tend to be very ambitious for the time and team we have, hopefully my high goals and ambitions will help me in the industry someday.

However, the good news is I am once again working with Oliver. It was always a pleasure to work with him as we both are hard working and are also great friends. Together, we will be creating his project ‘Toad Out of The Hole’, a 2D Beat ’em up where Oliver’s pet toad, Bilgert, has his delicious worm meal stolen by the evil Crackbeak seagull.

I’m super excited to work on this project with him and the others!

Meet The Team:

Oliver- Oliver is our project lead, and will be conducting everything from the art style to gameplay as well as creating assets for the game

Joel- I will be working as a 2D artist, concept artist and enemy designer for the game. I’m super happy with this role! I will fulfill this role by researching Oliver’s influences for the game and utilising the tools in my possession to fully replicate Ollie’s desired art style and look for the game. To assist animation and maybe even try some myself, I will also be using tutorials to understand Dragonbone.

Luc- Luc is our programmer and is not only speedy, but excellent at what he does. With Luc’s skill, we could possibly have a built demo by the end of the month– maybe, even a fully playable level!

Michael- Michael is yet another artist on the team who will be working on mostly the environments and level backdrops etc.

Kieron- Will be our animation director.

Ideas and Discussion Among The Team

We have discussed the story, enemies, bosses and level design of our game. There is going to be a punch, kick and (possibly) a grab attack. Enemy types consist of grunts and bosses. 3 or so levels are planned so far.


Fishguts- A goldfish with a mech-suit for a bowl, powerful fish cannon attacks and a super soaker laser.

Bobby- tough doggy, Bobby can stun Bilgert with his farts and cute stun, where he tilts his head and widens his big eyes, as well as a knockback sonic bark.

Crackbeak- a seagull who stole Bilgert’s worm.


Milestone 1- The MVP includes a working combat system and enemies for the player to fight. This will be finished by the end of the second week of February.

Milestone 2- Finish the first level’s development, including enemies & objects on the map etc. As well as finalising pre production documentation and concept art.

Milestone 3- Level 2/Boss development

Bosses will be developed for level 1 and level 2 will begin production.

Milestone 4- Finish level 2, add level 2 boss, start level 3, implement audio

Milestone 5- finalise level 3 and begin final boss

Milestone 6- Finish boss level

Milestone 7- Polishing phase

Milestone 8- ensure stability and release ready status

Month 1 (Milestone 1 and 2) Month 2 (Milestone 3 and 4) Month 3 (Milestone 5 and 6) Month 4 (Milestone 7 and 8)

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