synoptic project: Proditiophobia/Toad Out of The Hole

Presentation slides:

Here are my slides. They are condensed into note form in text and I am rather happy with the presentation. I gave it my all to make the pitch look as pretty as I could.

Summary and conclusion:

I think my pitch went surprisingly well, for someone notorious for ramblings, stutters and a lack of confidence. People seemed to quite enjoy my idea, and I am happy they did. I will be surprised if my game is one that gets made, as there were many great ideas in the roster. I will not be voting my own, no matter how badly I would want to make this game and how passionate I have become about my little universe. I really like the look and sound of Ollie’s Toad Out of The Hole idea, and I really enjoy the sound of Lewis’ robot game.

In my eyes it’s bad sportsmanship to vote your own product, so out of my own sense of honour and selflessness, I won’t be voting my own, just having a laissez faire attitude; if it wins? hooray, if not? maybe next time.

Proditiophobia will be made someday.

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