synoptic project: Proditiophobia/Toad Out of The Hole

Dan’s Task: Game Documentation

Dan has tasked us a blog task.

There are many types of game documentation, two examples of this are:

  • Metal Gear Solid II game plan
    • The MGS II game doc is a detailed game document which is 38 pages long and discusses every aspect of the plan for this sequel game. From target audience to reasons why this is important


Source Control has been set up. This will make it easier to distribute to Luc on Unity, meaning Ollie and Kieron can submit sprites with animations easier.

Michael has been creating some more environment sprites, including some more cloud types. Luc has got a combat system and enemy hit detection system working. Kieron and Ollie have been animating the two sprites we have right now to get the game to a playable state by the end of the first month. I have been drawing concepts for the rat boss we plan to make the first boss of the game, so far I have drawn 4 possible attack styles as well as the overall look of the boss, can’t wait to get to work on the actual sprite!

Example of games using github: Command and Conquer

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