Surgery Shorts: A Micro Game

29/09/2020- Working from home, sprites and scene development

Unfortunately my mum came down with a bad temperature in the night, and to be safe she has got tested for covid-19. While we wait for the test results, and if she tests positive, through this time I will be working from home.

I am limited in what I can do at home, as Unity can’t run very well and I need face-to-face learning when it comes to coding etc, so I will be using this time for more artistic needs for the game.

What will I be doing at home?

  • concept/ further idea notes and development
  • concept art
  • sprite art
  • communicating with my team

Working from home is also a very tedious task in more ways than one: part of my team lacks a good computer to work on and wifi connection. I’d say Glen is the main brain behind the game (that rhymed, awesome) and so it is vital he is here for development or Kieron and I will be lost on what to do without his guidance. Whilst I know I am the only member working from home, in this time I will get as MUCH work as I can, with my limited resources and time, complete for my team to utilise.

with that, let’s get into what I have created day one of working from home:

Day 1 began with communicating with my team. They gave me a basic idea of some of the new things our tutor has provided such as a burndown sheet, and then gave me a layout to what they were doing.

  • Glen would be trying to contact anyone who could assist in his code for the game to work, while Kieron did the burndown sheet as well as helped Glen the best he could.

I requested they make an asset list if they had time to do so, however both came to the decision that they were to give me free roam about the assets I develop, and stated they needed only 5.

It was also added that they only needed objects that we were going to extract from the patient in-game, so I went off old ideas we had to do so. We are going for a comedic, family-friendly take on things so no realism or gore.

So? I got to work! Here is what I have done today:

  • mobile phone

The phone will be located in either the brain, the arm, or leg. So, you are probably wondering how a mobile phone got into someone’s body? Well, I have had a few goofy ideas on how we can go about this:

  • brain
    • too much time next to the ear of the patient meant that the phone was suddenly and bizarrely magnetised to the brain matter of the patient, needing immediate removal and emergency surgery.
    • I know most late-night social media lurkers will understand the pain of when you accidentally drop your phone on your face when you are tired at 3am scrolling Instagram, well this unlucky fella did it with such force that the phone fell through his forehead like a DVD in a disk tray. How is this guy alive?
  • arm
    • PROJECTILE PHONE SHURIKEN! Someone who the patient had a debate with on Twitter tracked him down and threw their phone so hard it impaled his arm. Ouch!
    • Maybe the patient was trying to make a Pip-Boy 3000 from Fallout… but was too stupid to work out how to do it right… or safely.
  • leg
    • PROJECTILE PHONE SHURIKEN! again… but this time the patient got mad at Flappy Bird and threw his phone off a wall, only to have it ricochet at incredible speeds and impale the leg. Owie!
  • Heart-shaped chocolate box

Okay, hear me out because it is scientifically proven that this is totally a legitimate thing that happens to people. My sources: SCIENCE! and dude trust me, the most trustworthy source out there, obviously…

When people eat UNHOLY amounts of chocolate their heart begins to absorb the amount of chocolate contained in the fat surrounding the heart and then literally transforms your heart into a box of chocolates. This happens.

So, obviously this leaves only one location I can think of this being located:

the chest.


I wanted to develop this and I don’t know why, but the strong urge to create a pink toy dinosaur consumed me, so I made it into one of my sprites. Where will this be located? The arm, the leg, or possibly the stomach if we choose to add that as a location. Projectile toy dinosaurs are lethal weapons designed to mortally wound, and also apparently taste pretty good… according to the guy lying on the operating table.

  • LEMON!
  • arm
  • leg
  • chest
  • brain
    • instead of having some short and sour (get it?) explanation to why this person has a lemon FOR a brain, allow me to explain in-depth the hidden, dark, dramatic meaning to why this person has a literal lemon for a brain. So, you have heard of people who are gormless or stupid be referred to as potatoes or other inanimate objects, or those objects being used to insult their brains (walnut brain etc.) ? Well I wanted some variety! Lemon brain, dum dum. It means you’re stoopid.
  • A literal wallet, with some cash and loose change within (as well as my lucky penny)

So my thought process was this: have you ever heard of or met anyone who is primarily money-oriented or business-focused? Well, I am taking this to the next level. Those who lust after money, or have it as their fixated, no.1 priority in life, have wallets for brains. BAM! I am the smartest man alive and you will never stop me.

So they are all the sprites I have developed today, and I will most likely be doing some more either later today, tomorrow, or further on.

1/10/2020 Development of more scenes

NOTE: If you are reading this, I have implemented this segment on the 18th October 2020 because I forgot to add them earlier. I will notify tutors and things like that about this change ASAP

It became apparent to the team and I that we were going to need to add more scenes for more specific parts of the body (brain, chest etc.) We already had a basic template for the arms and legs, but I was needing to create a head and chest scene for the cutting.

After the cutting was done, the brain would be revealed and the chocolate box on the chest. Here are the scenes I have made:

NOTE: The head image is upside-down, this is my own fault as upon saving I realised my orientation was the wrong way. Oops!

More assets and sprites:

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