Surgery Shorts: A Micro Game

the 25/09/20 Demo:

Today, if things work out, our demo will begin production. We have planned to use an edited frame of the concept art I did as the test scene, as I spend time developing assets etc.

28/09/2020- change of plan:

Glen was absent on Friday, and since he is the one with the Unity files we could not begin work on the beta that day. Today, we have sifted through some old programs and scripts and found some files which may come in handy to our development:

  • The clicker file

The clicker file is a script which Glen wrote around 2 years ago, that with the right treatment and assistance from our tutors, we could develop into the main script of our game. To some, this may seem like we are cutting corners, however I don’t think we are necessarily. Recycling scripts is somewhat common in the games industry, and if you can adapt a script to fit your current project and do it well, it can save a lot of time.

Glen is going to get help from our programming tutor and a fellow classmate who is well-versed in coding to help out.


  • Kieron is working on some quick sprites for the beta, while I refine them and make some more detailed ones myself. I have developed some scenes for the game and also some more refined sprites.
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