Surgery Shorts: A Micro Game

23/09/2020 Joel’s Concept Art:

I have created two pieces of concept art which hopefully will reflect the type of idea we are going for with this game. I will be discussing with my team soon and running over each piece and what they include.

Concept Art Piece 1: Game Start:

Upon the game starting, the screen will look something like this: a frozen counter on the bottom before the game counts ‘3,2,1’ and the player can begin. During that time it will have picked a randomised spot on the patient where the location of the problem will be, highlighting it with a large marker similar to the one in my concept art.

Here is an annotated version of the art.

Concept Art Piece 2: Surgery

NOTE: Button prompts will appear in the top-right corner, I left them out here because A/ I forgot and B/ I wanted room for my annotations too.

When the marker is clicked, this is how the platform may look: A large skin surface with a bizarre object wedged in it (I chose a lego brick) in which the player will have to remove by dragging the tweezers, then using W,A & D to pull it out as quickly and as carefully as they can.

NOTE: I accidentally forgot to add the timer in the bottom left alike the first piece, know that it will be present and counting down.

Altered, annotated version (subtitles underneath if you have trouble reading my writing, my text box tool decided to poop itself):

  • TWEEZERS: Player controlled (by mouse movements, by moving the mouse to the brick you will be able to release and use buttons to remove the object.)
  • BRICK: TARGET OBJECT: pull out to complete.
  • SKIN: I have avoided blood in this piece to possibly [get the attention of my peers] to why we should remove it:
    • Larger audience demographic
    • more cartoon-y in design
    • Family friendly
  • SKIN II: [We could possibly add a collider so that if the player drags to the skin instead of the object they fail, just a thought]

Over the coming days I will be drafting up designs for what certain things might look like in-game (Pop ups like the 3 second countdown, fail and done screens)

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