Surgery Shorts: A Micro Game

21/09/2020- Playboard

I developed a playboard for how the game should be played. It is very rough and will be improved upon in individual pieces in the future when I return to college, in which I will be taking my equipment with me.

The playboard roughly shows how the game will play and how the game will sound and look:

For anyone struggling to read my writing, here is a translation:

  • Title screen
  • Displays a still of what to expect playing the game, as well as a custom designed title card with the options to play or go to credits
  • The audio will consist of occasional squelches, goofy music which I will attempt to create myself, distant ambulance noises, and when hovering or clicking the option buttons it makes a sort of click/pop sound.
  • Colours: to be determined.
  • Loading screen
  • Graphic holding the information beforehand will shift every 0.5 seconds or so
  • Description and game title are within the graphic, the info will explain the aim of the game and how to beat it
  • A non-diegetic drumroll will be heard to spur the player on
  • Scene 1: Game Begin
  • Opening shot will have a zoom-in of the scene
  • A countdown of 3, 2, 1 will appear on the screen before the game begins
  • A randomly generated part of the body will have a red circle around it, indicating where the problem is
  • Audio: diegetic heartbeat sensor, distant ambulance sirens
  • non-diegetic: countdown sound, music
  • Scene 2: Objective selected
  • Once clicked, the player must use a control set to remove the object from the body as quickly and carefully as they can, using W,A,D.
  • Button prompts will appear on the screen.
  • Audio: squelching, ambulance distant, heartbeat sensor
  • Scene 3: Success
  • Diegetic POP sound when the object is successfully removed
  • ALTERNATIVE: failure
  • If the player fails, a pop up saying ‘FAIL’ will appear and a non-diegetic WOMP WOMP will play, as well as a diegetic flatline sound.
  • Scene 4: success screen
  • a pop up will appear saying DONE! with the time completed at displayed underneath, as well as the patient behind the pop up holding their hand with a thumbs up above the pop up

Additional ideas:

  • Timer at the top right or left
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