Surgery Shorts: A Micro Game

forming the team:

Glen, Kieron and I have chosen to work together on our game. Glen specialises in 3D models and myself concept art and design, and Kieron animation.

The Game Ideas:

Glen has had a pretty solid idea similar to the board game ‘Operation’, which included doing very simple surgery on someone. With certain tweaks we could make this work, and even have a fun multiplayer mode for the game.

My own idea, which I am yet to present to the team, involves a space miner who is farming resources on a far away world. This includes clicking rapidly to mine materials before shifting to the next scene, dumping it in a space minecart, before launching a rocket to complete the game.

Glen’s idea seems to be a more simple, less complicated idea which seems more realistic for the time frame we have to complete this compared to my own idea.

DEADLINE: 23rd October 2020

We have decided to go with a 2D design and look for the game, with a top-down view of the person getting surgery. Glen believes a mix between a cartoon, yet realistic would look pretty neat. We will do some experimentation with art styles to see which one fits best.

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