Surgery Shorts: A Micro Game

21st/22nd October 2020- What’s left to do tomorrow, Reflecting on The Project, honestly

Tomorrow is hand-in date.

I feel like today my mind and stress was put to ease a lot more, thanks to my supportive tutors and helpful team. We got a working drag/drop scene, button system, and there is only a handful more glitches we need to fix before audio is implemented. I am very excited to hand this in.

What remains to be done:

  • Iron out bugs
    • (X one is a start, the green X’s are sometimes in a frozen state after clicking, although the game still proceeds
  • apply drag and drop script to all objects
  • double-check if the timer is working on all scenes
  • audio

Post Mortem:

what is a post mortem?

A post mortem is a reflection upon your game after everything is said and done, done and dusted, and released.

My post mortem- My thoughts:

This project, undoubtedly, has to be the most stressful, anger-inducing, sleep-depriving project I have ever worked on in my year or so of the college GAVFX course, although the payoff was a somewhat working game. It really further opened my eyes to how much of this rabbit hole I have left to learn, the rabbit hole being the GAVFX industry, and how I can improve my skills.

So, in retrospect, what went well:

I feel like we were efficient with assembling the game, considering the issues we had with getting our engine to work for 2 weeks, and sprites and scenes were efficient yet not rushed. The teamwork on the programming was somewhat good as well, and the satisfaction of even a PARTLY working game is one I enjoy. The game is fun, and that is something game developers should always shoot for.

What went wrong:

  • Time management
    • Too much time was spent worrying or elsewhere to where it needed to be
    • Started game development too late, concept and ideas phase took up too much time.
  • Engine issues
    • locked out for a solid 2 weeks, which set us back majorly.
  • Unfair workload
    • next time workload needs to be distributed equally and all members need to deliver ON TIME, without delay.
  • Animations
    • A lot of the game was static and lacked movement, and I feel like it might have made the game feel a little more alive and visually pleasing if he had them.
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