Surgery Shorts: A Micro Game


When it comes to sounds in games, they are usually set into two different cateogries:

  • Diegetic
  • non-diegetic


diegetic is where the sounds playing can be heard within the game by the characters. For example:

  • Minecraft: punching a tree
  • Halo: shield sound effect
  • Fallout: radio tunes

non-diegetic, however, is music or game over sound effects:

  • Minecraft- OST
  • Halo- OST
  • Doom- OST
  • Mariokart- lose sound

What can we do in our game sound-wise?

Specific sounds we can use in our game to create atmosphere are very diverse and varied:

  • Diegetic:
    • Heart beeping sound machine thing
    • distant ambulance
    • squelching weird sounds for slicing etc
  • Non-diegetic:
    • OST
    • Win sound effect
    • timer sound effects
    • lose sound effect

I have developed a sound for when the game is complete and for when the game is failed. These are compiled from sounds I found online which I have tweaked rather largely so they fall under the fair use laws (so we don’t get into trouble for reusing sounds, plus, it’s kinda fun to mix audio!)

Kieron has linked me a load of sounds on YouTube which we are going to tweak and eventually code into our game at one point, although the sound design part and when we are going to begin is uncertain.

20/10/2020: A list of all of the sounds I have developed

  • The Death Sound
    • The death sound, or the defeat sound as it is properly named, is a sound amalgamated from a bunch of different sounds across the internet. The sounds it is made from are:
    • Heart machine flatline sound
    • GTA V wasted sound effect
    • A sound effect listed as ‘Japanese Bruh Moment’
    • A sound commonly known as the ‘Instagram Thud Sound effect’
    • I did this for a comedic effect upon failure, and also to fit in with the theme that the patient is now dead or in immense pain, their heart has stopped, and the thud is the sound of the realisation of what you have done hitting you (deep, I know)
  • Ambulance
    • The distant sound of an ambulance screeching to a halt
  • Mysterious alarms
    • An alarm goes off, a door closes… what was that about?
  • Time passes
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