Radio Silence: The Imagined Worlds Project

audio plan:

Audio will be another feature in our game which will really help immerse our player base into the game world, regardless of graphics. Below I have sorted some of the sounds into different categories of what we may need:


  • Above ground (scene 1)
    • Wind rushing through the air and swaying the trees
    • Distant gunfire
    • glass breaking
    • creaking metal
    • creaking wood
    • distant explosions
  • Below Ground (scene 2: Sewer)
    • Wind rushing from the manhole, creating an echo-like sound
    • dripping
    • distant whirring and clicking
    • distant beeping
    • alarms
  • Below Ground (scene 3: hidden base)
    • Whirring
    • clicking
    • beeping
    • alarms
    • clanging
    • decontamination shower sounds
    • footsteps on metal
    • radio chatter and fuzz in the distance
  • Main story sounds (Above/below)
    • Radio person dialogue (voiced by Niall)
    • Button click
    • barrier creeking and rattling
    • paper shuffle
    • power switch click and buzz
  • Gameplay sounds:
    • Gunfire sound
    • footsteps
    • enemy AI sounds (BONUS)

The voice acting will either be done by Kieron, Niall or myself, however Niall is more keen on the voice editing (adding distortion, radio sound effects etc.) which I am all for.

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