Radio Silence: The Imagined Worlds Project

Unrelated Work Pre-Project

Here is a dump of some work I did which my tutors told me to fit in the imagined worlds blog page, helping us get a feel for how to build a world and environment.

Case study lesson Monday 5/10/20

In this lesson, we studied world building. My notes regarding world building can be found in the case study section of my blog:

Glen and I developed a world in this lesson, which I share with you now:

Azreal (WIP)

Azreal was thought up by Glen originally, and Glen and I together expanded on the idea whilst I drew this piece to help expand my vision

Azreal is a prison planet in 5002, conquered by a fascist galactic government where they send prisoners to either spend the rest of their days in a cage, or to their doom at the pitiful claws of a crab-humanoid creature conquered and controlled by this government, as well as other horrifying creatures natural to the asteroid-like planet.

The planet, bar the mind-controlled beasts, prisoners, hologram security units and human security, is dormant. No vegetation, no water, no way to breathe outside… the worst planet that anyone could dream of dying on.

The protagonist is an activist who stood against this regime, locked away for speaking up against the foul play of his leaders, little do they know this person possesses unusual powers, tweaks in the DNA which make them nearly unstoppable. They plan their escape, and make the daring plunge into the desolate lands of Azreal, pleading for an escape.

6/10/20- My Grand Idea

Over the lockdown which hid us away in our homes, making our minds reign free out of boredom, I had a brilliant idea. I have thought up a world, a game, which takes elements of some of my favourite games, movies, aesthetics and more and crafted the beautiful idea for my dream game.

Being an avid fan of shooter games like Halo and RPGs like Fallout, you wouldn’t think me to have this idea, but I have a warm space in my heart for games like Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 64, and the aesthetic feels they give off.

Mixing this with my own imaginary place, characters, aesthetics and art pieces, I have had the wonderful idea for a 3D platformer game with the graphical fidelity of games from the 90s, the feel of a modern day game, the compressed OSTs of old games, and my mind spat it out to me:

Rigley’s Wavey World

The name of this wonderful idea of mine.

what’s the plot?

Somewhere in a different universe, where the sand is pink, the sky is mint green, and the ocean haunted by a beautiful castle of blue-purple crystals, there is a small tribal village. The villagers wear the skulls of Bobbadoodles on their heads, and their kilts are made of palm leaves. One day, a large, dark obelisk arises the pink desert sands, spawning an array of dark and bizarre creatures upon this wavey world. The villages cower in fear, but the chieftain chooses one tribal to find a way to stop this wavocalypse… his name? Rigley.

Gameplay info:

the game will be a 3D game with multiple zones you can go to and more levels in those zones to complete. Completing these levels will unlock new, cool, and of course wavey ways to take out the enemies who siege the village:

  • Palm Tree Forest
  • Crystal Castle
  • Shrine
  • Mineshaft
  • The Pink Desert
  • Mega Mesa

Some of the enemies I have thought of:

  • Jellyton
    • A skeleton made of a hot-pink coloured jelly, who uses their arms as a stretchable propeller to smack and slap enemies ruthlessly. Slice their arms off or melt them to defeat.
  • Sgt.Hooter
    • An owl with an army helmet and a three-shot hoot sonic weapon. They can fly, so knock them out of the sky with throwing spears, rocks, melons, whatever.
  • Bobbadoodle
    • Large, dog-humanoid creatures who have a loud howl which can knock Rigley over, sharp claws to scratch at you.
A 2D rendition

End of Document.

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