Radio Silence: The Imagined Worlds Project

‘Radio Silence’ Post Mortem:

I feel I have tried my best to be a good project lead as well as a coordinator of pre-production, concept artist, story writer and more. I am very happy with the story I crafted for this game and I feel I properly reflected my ideas and ambitions through my work on the game. Although we have sadly come to a close on the project, we wish whole-heartedly we had more time to implement what was cut from the game. With those cut features, we may have a fully fledged, enjoyable game.

What Went Well:

The team’s strive to create and complete our tasks with excitement and ambition was a highlight of the project, we all worked very hard to make sure everything we did was well-made and all cuts and choices were not made on a whim. The communication was brilliant between some members of the team and our documentation was soared above our previous blog work.

Issues within Development:

A personal issue of mine is that I am far too ambitious when it comes to projects, which means most of the time I am hyper-focused on the game we are creating and pour a lot of blood, sweat and tears into the work I do. This may seem a good thing, as it makes me appear hard-working and focused, but an unfortunate side effect of my ambitious nature is that I often overestimate our teams capabilities and rarely take time into account. The idea to add NPC’s, weaponry, all of this, was my idea, and the reason we had to cut them was due to the unfortunate overestimations I made.

I feel communication between some of our team members and our producer was bad, as when asked to send a model it would sometimes take a while as they would ‘forget’. It is, of course, human nature, but when someone needs something doing as urgently as this occasion you’d get right on it. Communication needs to improve.

I feel like I did an okay job as a project lead, coordinating my team as properly as I could. I made sure everyone was clear on their tasks and the story of the game and how we were to go about things during development (PM 3 Be able to co-ordinate a production process, PM 2 Plan the provision of requirements for a specific production).

Our game, although many things remained to be put in game, is finished. All notes are in the game and the story is told, meaning our work is done just in time. I’m disappointed we never got to experience implementing NPC’s, combat or make the map look prettier, however to do this we would have needed months. I am happy with the outcome!

Final Product:

Links, media and SCRUM sheets

All of this bar the GDD and gameplay footage was done by me, the other stuff by Kieron and Niall.

SCRUM sheets:

Dialogue Script (written by Joel)

Asset List (Compiled by Joel)

Game Design Document (By Kieron)

Technical Considerations Overview (Kieron)

Radio Silence (Full Game No Commentary)

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