Radio Silence: The Imagined Worlds Project

3D Modelling 8/12/2020

After finishing pre-production and doing away with concept art, I am now working on assisting Niall with our map and directing Oliver with models and textures. We have chosen to abandon the NPC idea as well as the power for both quickness and due to it being too complex for our understanding. Instead, we are going to just rely on the notes and dialogue to carry the game. Our ending will stay the same, with the red glowing eyes, but no enemies will be present in the final product.

Barricade/Jersey Barrier:

I modeled this for the exteriors of the map, places where the player can escape or possibly go through trees, I also chipped it and made it look as if it had been damaged during the time it has been sitting there. We will be rotating it and making it look different from different angles.


Final Product:


The sewer is the second scene in our game which had been blocked out and awaited development. I made a J-shape similar to the one in my playboard and filled out some parts with rubble which I’m happy with how it turned out. Technically this is a joint effort between Glen and I, as I have used a part of the base he has modeled for the elevator, as well as the sewer grates by him.

My inspirations:

dirt blockade

This dirt mound, with little detail, is going to be the object which stops the player seeing beyond the base and outside of map parameters. It is a very useful but simple tool which we will utilise.

I made this by making a square and multiplying the polygons, then forming a basic shape before multiplying once again. After this I created a simple brown texture and attached to the model. Not much was needed to be done.

I mainly took inspiration from the sewer scene I made, I was quite happy with how it turned out, especially with the collapsed parts, so I used the same technique here minus the rocks and stones..

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