Radio Silence: The Imagined Worlds Project

Beta Testing 3/12/2020

Beta testing is the process of allowing an external examiner test the game and review the feel, mechanics and difficulty. These opinions of the beta tester are commonly shared via a question sheet which entails some questions about the game which are the answered by the beta tester.

Questions we could ask about ‘Radio Silence’:

  • What was your experience with our game?
    • This question offers more of a diverse way to collect how the reviewer feels: It does not ask for positive nor negative but covers both bases.
  • Share some criticisms of our game.
    • This allows the examiner to run through their more negative experiences with our product in more detail than the first question.
  • Was the primary objective, messages and dialogue clear enough to follow throughout?
    • Our game relies heavily on the instructions of the man on the radio, meaning if these messages and pieces of dialogue are not clear enough then it can lead to confusion and some even seeing our game as too complex to understand if these instructions are unclear.
  • Was the setting of our game interesting and map easy enough understood?
    • If our map is not easily understood it can lead to some thinking our game is linear and doesn’t offer something in the way of exploration.
  • What rating would you say our product deserves out of 10?
    • This allows a final summary of our game.

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