Radio Silence: The Imagined Worlds Project

30/11/2020: Skybox Development

What is a skybox?

A skybox is a cube (can be other shapes like domes) that surrounds the entirety of the map, helping capture the feel of the game more.

I am making 6 different sides of a cube and texturing them for later use as a skybox. I am attempting to capture that orange, fractured feeling like from my concept art. To make things quicker, I am using the following photos that I took years ago to assist me.

Matching the corners:

This was the most difficult part about developing a skybox from scratch; if corners didn’t match up, the box was visible, so I was constantly double-checking if everything was ok.

I have not put my all into this, as the skybox will only really be visible from the top due to trees and foliage blocking the eyesight out of the map. Nonetheless, the team is happy with my work.

To mask any errors, we will be using the trees from each piece to cover. In the skies, I may develop clouds later in development for flare and error-masking. I am rather happy with my work, this is my first every skybox!

I decided to then separate the cities and trees from the skybox into separate images, just so it’s less busy and we have more flexibility on our placement of the city and forest etc.

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