Meet and Exceed week


Make a game in 1 week.


name: ASTRO-0

a map based on another world with a crashed ship, collectible items and a base (to start)

space station set on a strange planet, whole base gets abandoned and you break free of a crash landing to explore the now abandoned surroundings, where the player finds collectibles which place together a story.

for now, simplified collectibles, ALL collectibles will be resembled by a space helmet for the time being. In the future we may expand and finish the game, but I don’t want to be too ambitious.


Callum- created a large map with invisible walls so that players cannot exit the area developed so far. Created the Unity file and made sure everything was working alright.

Josh- 3D modelled and textured crates, programmed the collectibles and assisted in making the map look more ‘natural’.

Glen- applied a 3D modelled character template made by himself, created many prefabs for the map such as trees and shelters in where the station would be.

Kieron- created a map layout for the future space station we plan, the current layout of the camp and created extra assets such as CCTV camera props and a start on an NPC enemy we plan to add in the future.

Joel- created concept art and ideas, created and painted a spaceman, a helmet and unused assets, used ship in the map and plan to use more ships too. With the help of Glen painted and 3D modelled characters and created poses for perished space missionaries.

3D models:

dead spaceman body, by Joel and Glenn
spaceship made by Joel, edited heavily and changed texture as well as created a damaged look.
Laser Space Gun (unused), may be used as a future item and maybe even usable
spaceman helmet created by Joel, used as current placeholder for future collectables in the game.

we went for a sort of ‘PlayStation 1 sci-fi horror’ look on things. the items and map was designed to be low-poly, and a camera set-up named ‘specular’ makes the camera all grainy, like games of the past. We plan to add things like this in the future as a possible passion project that could even act as a demonstration of the teams talents.

Things I’ve Took Away From M&E week:

3D modelling is something new to me as of September, I have dealt with many difficulties when building spaceships and other objects, but this project has helped me develop new skills when designing models efficiently and somewhat professionally.

I have also experienced a somewhat heavy pressure as I was placed in a position of leadership and direction of ideas, which we had to change MULTIPLE times. I feel like I’ve managed to find a way to cope with anxiety and stress.

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