game design/development

task: Evolution of games over time


Game Design terminology quiz reflection:

Understand most things from the quiz but got caught out by trick questions. Eg: IDE’s are a little more than just debugging, could use a little revise of IDEs. Review the features of a game engine and compare them between an IDE not to get confused, also look for the meanings of syntax.

Revise breakpoints, revise the definition of class, revise floats,

4 data types that can be used in Unity and C#:

iteration– a process wherein a set of instructions or structures are repeated in a sequence a specified number of times or until a condition is met.

conditional- a set of commands which will only follow through under certain circumstances; for example:

if someone types ‘yes’ to a box, and it is conditional, then it will reply with something depending on the type of condition.

game store fronts:

I have chosen to study the Outer Worlds’ storefronts on Steam, Epic Games and the actual outer worlds obsidian web page.

Steam page

the steam page fits in well with the rest of the website really, the deep blues with a mysterious faded image linking with the game. The actual content has not yet released on steam, so as a brief description of the game accompanied by the planned release date in 2020. Screenshots accompanied by the actual trailers released over the past year since reveal are also present on the page.

Epic Games

The epic store is more or less the same as the steam and other places to buy the outer worlds from; with similar if not the same material– like photos and videos etc. from the game. The description would be the same too.

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