emerging technologies

critical thinking:

Critical thinking is when you take your opinions out, yet form a judgment still.

Developing critical thinking skills can help, especially in the games industry, to play devil’s advocate in a way, and take others views and create an unbiased judgment. It can also help eslwehere.

Fake news and the spread of fake news:

Flat Earth

Flat Earth can be disproved by using the spaceflight programs of the past century and the advancements in technology over the years. Scientific websites and news sources are more likely to be trusted but take heed, as they may be spreading false information.

Determining whether a source is trustworthy or not comes down to if multiple sources are reporting the same story, and if the source which that story is generated is also trustworthy. Can we trust an actual spaceman and their interviews? maybe so.

18th september 2020

Research and smarter searching

what was the best videogame released in 2019?

This question can be answered in a multitude of ways: number of sales, money made, popularity (players in a certain time period, or downloads), reviews

metacritic is a rather well known and respected user-review based platform, and according to their studies ‘Resident Evil II’ was the best game of 2019– however, this is rather unfair on other games released that year since Resident Evil II is a remake/re-release of the classic title.

The website Forbes gives the reader a multitude of choices, and the author can’t seem to pick the best game and so chooses by months.

IGN seems to pick the game ‘Control’.

Therefore, there isn’t really a definite answer searching the web, unless you go off statistics.

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