2D and concept art

new project: Sword and Shield


I am a very big fan of sci-fi, and I would like to pull of a science fiction style of sword and shield. Whether aliens would use it or something crazy, I haven’t decided yet.

images of swords/ shields in videogames:

Image result for halo energy sword halo 2
halo energy sword
Image result for halo jackal shield
halo jackal enemy shields

I like the design of the halo swords and shields but feel like they would be hard to pull off in both modelling and sketching. I have another trick up mu sleeve, however:

Image result for fallout 3 mothership zeta baton
Fallout 3 alien shock baton

the design of the alien technology from Fallout 3 could prove interesting and a challenge, however nothing im not willing to try. This could be fun!


Sculpting is a big part in development nowadays and always has been. Learning to use mudbox today was an experience– I sculpted a crude First Order Stormtrooper helmet from Star Wars. I also learnt how to export 3d models from Maya to mudbox:

with your model:

file> export (any format: selection, all etc.)> save as an FBX> open in mudbox

template shield provided by Tony in Mudbox exported from Maya

ISSUES: using the 3 command to smooth an object was rather dodgy and confusing to me, using edge loops and this 3 key to smooth an object is useful in mudbox to that the model isnt so blocky.


For my sword and shield, i wished to go for a more science fiction look since I am not a fan of fantasy or historical games myself. I plan to create the sword and shield as a weapon for the Zetan Alien race from the Fallout series, specifically the Mothership Zeta DLC in Fallout 3.

The only alien melee weapon that exists in Fallout 3 is an alien shock baton,l wielded by low level alien security on the mothership you are abducted onto. I plan to design my sword to be a melee weapon I see their race using as a more lethal option compared to the baton, drawing inspiration from the style of the weapons in Fallout 3’s Mothership Zeta DLC and with a twist.

The twist is that I wish to have elements from another favourite videogame series of mine– Halo, and implement artistic tweaks similar to that of their energy sword and Jackal shield. The energy sword is a powerful melee weapon which is popular among multiplayer gamers as well as a weapon wielded by the Elite species in Halo’s campaign. The Jackal shield is used by Jackal’s in Halo’s campaign and firefight mode and is unable to use by the player.

The look of these Halo things are quite nice and could pull of a beautiful effect when mixed with the retro, 1950’s style alien weapons of Fallout.

Concept art for my sword and shield.

The sword and shield border on being too complicated, and I think some of the effects I wish to do with them could be rather difficult to pull off. I also think the utlisation of too much blue lights or emissiv ematerial could appear unrealistic and might not fit in with the style I wish to go for.

Here are my models. Originally I was going to go with a more wide and rounded style for the shield, but I decided to go with a more sharp version. My sword has completely changed since the original model because I felt like it was too far from my original concept and I didn’t like it. I think it looks much better now.


Issues and setbacks have plagued this side of the project. First off, issues with my models UV map, then Substance Painter strangely distorting my model and making it look worse and harder to paint, then my Maya file completely bricks as I try to upload it to OneDrive. Luckily, I managed to save my model via an FBX export I used for the Substance Painter attempt. Instead I dragged and dropped the materials I created onto part of the selected models.

This means I will have to restart my shield as the file got bust, and I never exported the shield.

Here’s my finished model, I will admit I can do a much better job with it however this will have to do for now. The entire project has been very difficult to do and I ask the college look into possibly extending deadlines and looking into the programs and applications used in the future.

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