2D and concept art

isometric level design: November 2019


Brutalism, also known as Brutalist architecture, is a style that emerged in the 1950s and grew out of the early-20th century modernist movement. Brutalist buildings are characterised by their massive, monolithic and ‘blocky’ appearance with a rigid geometric style and large-scale use of poured concrete.

Image result for brutalist architecture
Image result for brutalist architecture"
Image result for brutalist architecture"

my environment ideas:

For my environment, I wish to have it set in a hellish landscape since one of our main objectives is the seven deadly sins. I would like to choose envy, with hints at greed. For the added Brutalist architecture objective, I will add a building covered in viscera and swallowed by the hellscape, as well as a large statue’s head submerged into the flesh covering the ground, expressing a look of pain, agony, of jealousy.

Green flames and tears of envy will be swirling and falling from the eyes of the statue and many eyes covering the ground. These eyes will be infected, yellow dots of puss will leak from them as they cry. These tears will lead to puddles and eventually a lake of this green substance, a lake with two frozen statues in it. These statues are in poses possibly suggesting fear or agony as they were turned.

a Deeper story behind the lake is that anyone who goes there will have the hallucination of another person’s life who they desired in the water, they will walk towards it but the envy and jealousy, as well as greed, turns them to stone over and over again. The eyes in the walls look at each other and the lake as they stare into the liquidated embodiment of jealousy.

the tower next to the statue, if it was implemented in an actual game, would have an interior wit more viscera and horror inside.

For inspiration I looked to DOOM (2016)’s Hell and used that for heavy inspiration upon the ground, as well as the Nether from Minecraft (2009).


sketch and map layout of the plan

I designed the level to almost guide the player to death in the lake (very evil, I know) to reflect how I imagine Hell would be if it were true; guiding paths to the sinner’s neverending pain. The red arrows are areas and paths the player can follow, the black arrows are the way the green liquid will flow.

nearly finished variant

I added block colours first, so the dark, bloody red’s of the ground and sickly, acidic greens of the liquid. I wanted to add a more horrific effect, so I added skeletons and bones, teeth and more bulging from the ground.

I also added a human heart for the player to walk over, almost symbolising that the envy that one feels isn’t from the mind, but from the irrational needs of the human heart. The mouth in the building, to symbolise how envy can consume a person’s mind and soul. Control them.

Added the head and flames as well as the eyes. I also added the eerie effect of souls escaping the lake, to further hammer down that envy consumes the soul. The stone bodies now lie in the lake, frozen in time.

finished piece

I added a thick outline around some features to define the rough looking, fleshy ground as well as the liquid. With that I had finished.

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