digital 2d concept task

In our emerging technologies class, our tutor has tasked us with making a digital 2d concept for our imagined worlds project. We first began with drawing it out on paper before we took it to digital work on PC during the 20th November. on The 13th, I began to work on my first draft whichContinue reading “digital 2d concept task”

Surgery Shorts: Deliverables

What is a Deliverable? A deliverable is a criteria set between developers and publishers for game content delivery under a time scale. For example: the first functioning level of a shooter game, playable multilayer map or other would be under one of the first minor deliverables. Deliverables also determine whether a studio gets paid orContinue reading “Surgery Shorts: Deliverables”

evolution of games over time

Game franchise I will be analysing: Fallout (1997-2018) part one: franchise analysation Fallout (1997) The first Fallout entry was an isometric, turn-based combat RPG set in a large map which took place in the ruins of California in the 2160’s. The storyline was also tied in with a rather stressful timer to save the peopleContinue reading “evolution of games over time”

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